الاطِّلاع على تفاصيل مشوار في خدمة Uber Health أو Uber Central

To view details of a ride you arranged, search for a rider or select the ride from Today’s rides on the Uber Health or Central dashboard.

The search feature on the Uber Health dashboard will require an exact match on the first or last name of the rider and does not support phone number search.

Depending on the ride status, you might see:

  • Pickup and dropoff ETA
  • Trip status (waiting to be picked up, on the way)
  • Driver name, photo and location
  • Vehicle make, model, color and license plate
  • Button to contact driver
  • Coordinator who requested the ride
  • Memo
  • Estimated driver availability for scheduled rides
  • Trip route or real-time location of the driver on the way to the pickup
  • For upcoming or future rides, the driver’s details (name, vehicle information and location) won’t be available until the ride is matched with a driver.

To see details of rides completed today, click Completed. To see details of all completed rides booked on the account, click Past Activity. Select the ride card to see more information.

If the trip is marked Attention needed, see this article to resolve the issue.

If the rider has an Uber account linked to the phone number used to request the trip, the rider may receive Uber app notifications with their trip details.