Carrier Performance Program

Each category is scored differently

Reliability and tracking each have their own score requirements to remain in good standing or to reach Top Carrier status. There are no minimum requirements for volume. Learn more about each category by selecting one of the following options.

Only Uber Freight brokerage loads affect your scores

Loads booked with third-party providers using the Uber Freight platform will not be factored into your Volume, Tracking, or Reliability scores. Only loads booked directly with the Uber Freight brokerage are counted.

Scores affect your carrier’s overall standing

Your overall account status is based on the lowest score you have between reliability and tracking. If you don’t meet the minimum requirements for both tracking and reliability, your account may be at risk of suspension or deactivation.

Carrier statuses have 3 tiers:

Top Carrier:

  • 95% or higher on time pickup and delivery
  • 85% or higher tracking updates from an automated source
  • 5% or lower cancellation rate

In good standing:

  • 85% or higher on time pickup and delivery
  • 50% or higher tracking updates from an automated source
  • 10% or lower cancellation rate

At risk:

  • Lower than 85% on time pickup and delivery
  • Lower than 50% tracking updates from an automated source
  • Higher that 10% cancellation rate

If you’re in a fleet and aren’t able to see your carrier’s scores, your dispatcher will need to turn the permission on in the Fleet Members page in the Carrier tab.

Top Carrier 2-day pay benefits

Carriers who meet the Top Carrier status requirements will receive payments within 2 business days of valid POD upload. To be eligible for faster payments, your carrier’s payment method must be set up with an ACH direct deposit bank account, not a factoring company.

Top Carrier status is evaluated on a quarterly basis. If your carrier’s score meets the criteria listed below at the time of the quarterly performance snapshot, your carrier will receive Top Carrier status, including payments within 2 business days of valid POD upload, for the following quarter.

A carrier must meet the following criteria to qualify as a receive 2-day pay:

  • 95% or higher on time pickup and delivery
  • 85% or higher tracking updates from an automated source
  • 5% or lower cancellation rate
  • Book at least 15 loads per quarter through app, web, EDI, or API

The quarterly performance snapshot days will be:

  • December 29th for quarter period 1 (January through March)
  • March 30th for quarter period 2 (April through June)
  • June 29th for quarter period 3 (July through September)
  • September 29th for quarter period 4 (October through December)

How to view your performance report and report issues

You can view your carrier’s performance score or generate a performance report directly from the scorecard in the app or web portal. We’ll email you a breakdown of your carrier’s performance scores. It includes how your carrier is doing in all 3 performance categories as well as the loads impacting your carrier’s reliability and tracking scores.


  1. Open your Uber Freight app.
  2. Select Carrier on the bottom bar.
  3. Find the Scorecard section.

Web Portal:

  1. Open the web portal on your computer.
  2. Select Carrier at the top right.
  3. Find the Scorecard section.

My performance score is incorrect, where can I request a correction?


  1. Open your Uber Freight app.
  2. Select Carrier on the bottom bar.
  3. Select dispute score in the Scorecard section.

Web Portal:

  1. Open the web portal on your computer.
  2. Select Carrier at the top right.
  3. Select dispute score in the Scorecard section.
  4. If you have any issues with your scorecard, reach out to

If you see a load in the reliability section that you believe has been incorrectly marked, you can click the report as incorrect button next to the load and our team will review.

You’ll have a chance to improve if your scores don’t meet expectations

If your carrier fails to meet the minimum requirement for the tracking or reliability scores, you’ll see on your scorecard that your carrier’s scores are too low and that your carrier will need to improve its performance. We’ll reset the relevant score, so your past performance will not affect your carrier’s scores. You’ll have a limited number of subsequent loads to achieve our minimum requirements for tracking and reliability. For reliability (pickup, dropoff, and cancellation), you will have 20 loads to improve your performance. For tracking, you’ll have 5 loads to improve your performance.

Your carrier will have up to 2 warnings before being permanently deactivated. If your carrier is unable to achieve our minimum requirements, then the following will occur:

  • If your carrier fails to achieve our minimum requirements during the following 20 loads, then your carrier will be temporarily suspended for 7 days from the Uber Freight carrier network and will temporarily lose the ability to book loads
  • If your carrier has been suspended, they will have one more chance (20 loads) to improve their scores. If your carrier’s scores don’t improve above our minimum requirements during this period, your carrier will be permanently deactivated from the Uber Freight brokerage’s carrier network.
  • If your carrier improves their performance scores during any of these chances, your carrier’s account will no longer be at risk

Coming back from a suspension

  • If your carrier is suspended for failing to achieve the minimum reliability score, you’ll have to wait one week to book loads again
  • If your carrier is suspended for failing to achieve the minimum tracking score, you will need to complete a short tracking quiz that is emailed to the primary email for the carrier

If you have any support questions we’re here to help: call us at 844-822-8237 or email us at