إدارة عمليات ردّ المبالغ للطلبات غير الصحيحة أو التي ينقصها بعض الأصناف

When items are missing from an order or the order/items are incorrect, we may refund customers for you and then adjust your pay.

We consider multiple factors in each refund decision, and we have measures in place to protect against potentially fraudulent customer or delivery person reports.

Where to find order error adjustments in Uber Eats Manager (UEM):

  • Orders tab: Review a list of store orders and filter by order issue
  • Performance tab: Monitor store performance and gain actionable insights through data visualizations
  • Payments tab: Access payouts by order, with adjustments under Customer Refunds
  • Reports tab: Create and download the following report types:
    • Payment details
    • Payout summary
    • Order accuracy
    • Top inaccurate items
    • Inaccurate orders
  • Your weekly “Payment Summary” email, labeled as Order error adjustments

For more details, please review the Order Errors Guide (English or French).

What order issues may I be responsible for?

Order error adjustments are limited to customer refund types for issues within stores’ control. When customers are issued refunds related to accuracy, you may be responsible for covering the cost for the reasons below:

  • Missing items: Customer didn’t receive an item, or part of an item, that was ordered.
  • Incorrect items: The customer received an item but the item, or part of the item, wasn’t as ordered.
    • Example: The customer ordered a chocolate milkshake but received a vanilla milkshake, or the customer ordered large french fries but received small french fries.
  • Incorrect orders: Customer received an item, or part of an item, that wasn’t as ordered.
    • Batched orders: You’re responsible for the customer refund when only one customer in a batched order reported their entire order was wrong and no other customer in the batch reported that their entire order was wrong or was inaccurate.
  • Undelivered orders: Customer never received their order when:
    • Using your own delivery staff
    • Your store was closed (but marked open in app) and the order wasn’t prepared
    • You initially accepted the order, the delivery person arrived within 30 minutes after menu closing time, and your store was closed
  • Late deliveries: When using your own delivery staff, customers received their order approximately 70 minutes or more past your estimated delivery time

How are order error adjustments calculated?

As outlined below, the amount adjusted on your payout will range from a portion up to the full cost for the items with errors at the time of the order, including tax/VAT. For partially missing or incorrect items (often related to combo meal items that have an entree and side or drink), the a la carte cost of the missing or incorrect portion of the item will be adjusted from your pay.

  • Missing item: Entire item food sales + tax/VAT or partial item food sales + tax/VAT (a la carte menu price)
  • Incorrect item: Entire item food sales + tax/VAT or partial item food sales + tax/VAT (a la carte menu price)
  • Incorrect orders: Full order food sales + tax/VAT
  • Undelivered orders: Full order food sales + tax/VAT

You won’t be charged for any delivery or bag fees charged to the customer, unless using your own delivery staff where customer refunds are given for undelivered orders. Delivery fees are included in the amount adjusted on your payout. We retain the full Service Fee for the entire order.

Example: If a customer reports that the $6 chocolate milkshake they ordered was incorrect, then the $6 plus tax (for example 8.5%) would be $6.51. This $6.51 will be deducted from your payout and will reflect on your pay statement.

Total refunds are deducted directly from restaurant payouts and will be reflected on your pay statement within 1-2 weeks from the order date.

Minimizing order error adjustments

Adopting the below best practices can help to minimize order errors:

  • Ensure your menu is up to date with the correct customizations and prices in your Uber Eats Manager portal or POS system
  • Check off items on a printed receipt to confirm the contents in the bag are correct
  • Seal each order bag with tamper-evident materials when an order is complete
  • Write the 5-digit order number on the bag for easy identification
  • If there are multiple bags in a single order, number the bags (“1 of 2” and then “2 of 2,” etc.)
  • Double-check during handoff to ensure every bag gets picked up by the correct delivery person

Measures to protect against fraud

We take fraudulent behavior seriously and have filters in place to monitor user behavior. We won’t make adjustments on suspicious refunds.

Some of these measures include:

  • Tracking excessive customer refund request rates
  • Requiring photo evidence in many cases
  • Escalating special cases for review before refund
  • Enforcing minimum delivery person satisfaction ratings
  • Tracking excessive delivery person missing item rates

Dispute and reimbursement guidelines

Even with all these measures in place, sometimes you’ll encounter an order error adjustment you don’t agree with. While our policies and principles for order errors are detailed, we’re always open to reviewing cases where you believe there may have been mistakes.

Disputing an order error adjustment

You can dispute an adjustment in your Uber Eats Manager (UEM) dashboard:.

  1. Sign in to your Uber Eats Manager account
  2. Navigate to the Orders tab
  3. Identify the order with an error adjustment you wish to dispute
  4. Select Dispute and fill out the form with a reason and description
  5. Attach photo or video evidence to strengthen your dispute case
  6. Track progress in your UEM dashboard and receive email updates on the status of your dispute request

For more detailed instructions, visit these instructions.

Accepted forms of physical evidence:

While we can’t guarantee reversal, attaching photo or video evidence to your dispute submission is the best way to ensure your case is resolved smoothly.

Valid forms of physical evidence include, but aren’t limited to:

  • CCTV/Security footage showing the order being prepared and/or bagged
  • Photos of the sealed bag that include order ID
  • Photos of a signed-off ticket that includes the order ID

Order error adjustment disputes and reimbursement requests must be submitted within 30 days of the original order date to be eligible for review. All disputes will be evaluated, and we can’t guarantee reversals.

Disputes should be made by merchants only, with admin or manager-level access to Uber Eats Manager. According to your terms, we don’t allow disputes to be made in an automated manner, and third-party services aren’t authorized to request refunds or resolve order issues for you.

Also, you should never share your login credentials to Uber Eats Manager with a third party (for example,. third-party aggregator). This is important to maintain the security of our platform and prevent unauthorized access to your account. Review our policy about third party applications.

The self-serve dispute tool in Uber Eats Manager allows merchants to dispute inaccurate order claims on a case-by-case basis. Using the self-serve dispute tool in accordance with its intended access and use is critical to comply with the terms of your merchant agreement with Uber. We may be required to limit your access to the self-serve dispute tool (or other appropriate measures) if you fail to comply with the terms of your agreement.

Questions on order error adjustments?

Should you have any questions or need further clarification about order error adjustments, please reach out to our Support team through email at merchants@uber.com. Requests should be sent from the UEM admin or a UEM manager on file to be acknowledged. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this.