A complete tax profile is necessary for 1099 reporting, which is required by the IRS.
All merchants with locations in the US must have valid tax information on file. There may be different tax requirements for other countries.
It’s recommended that you contact a licensed tax professional if you have specific questions about tax requirements for your location(s).
Tax classification
Company’s legal name and address
TIN (Tax Identification Number)
Note: The required tax information is commonly also used for W-2 wage withholding and reporting.
If you’ve lost or do not have a TIN, see the IRS TIN page for help. For tax-specific questions, please review the IRS tax information page or call the Business and Specialty Tax Line and EIN Assignment at 800-829-4933.
After adding your tax information in Uber Eats Manager, you’ll see a screen that says “You’ve successfully updated your tax information!”
When adding your bank account information for the first time, you must update your TIN as well. A pop-up alert may appear directing you to update your TIN before you can add banking information.
Note: The TIN also needs to be updated if there has been a change of ownership.
Only Admin and Manager roles can access and update tax settings in Uber Eats Manager.
Yes, if your tax information is complete and accurate, the information will carry over year to year.
For help uploading tax information for multiple locations at one time, contact Uber Eats Support at merchants@uber.com or 833-275-3287 (ASK-EATS). Please have your company’s legal name and address, TIN, and tax classification ready.
If you don’t add your tax information, you may experience interruptions in your weekly or daily payments, depending on the payment option you have selected. Specifically, 24% of your earnings may be withheld from your payments until the proper tax information is added to your account(s). After you add accurate and full tax information, withholdings and interruptions will stop. For any withheld earnings due to backup withholding, merchants will have to consult a tax professional.
Uber Eats is responsible for calculating, collecting and remitting sales tax on all transactions made through the Uber Eats platform. This applies in states with marketplace facilitator and/or marketplace collection legislation and where Uber Eats is classified as a marketplace facilitator. Visit our Marketplace Facilitator Tax help page for more details.
Please see the IRS LLC page for information on business classification.
Nonprofits are still organized as corporations, so they should have an EIN and are not exempt from 1099-K reporting.
You can contact us at merchants@uber.com or 833-275-3287 (ASK-EATS). _
Disclaimer:Uber does not provide tax advice.
For tax-specific questions, please review the IRS tax information page or call the Business and Specialty Tax Line and EIN Assignment at 800-829-4933.