Ads overview and settings

You may see ads while you use your Uber app, such as after requesting a trip or when considering your next delivery. Uber also displays ads on non-Uber sites, apps, and platforms, either for itself or its advertising clients. We want these ads to be useful, interesting, and relevant to you, helping you discover merchants and brands that are well-suited to your interests. We also believe it’s important that you be in control of the types of ads you see and how we use your data.

To help you understand our ad practices, this page explains the different types of ads you may see when using Uber’s apps and how you can control your ad experience via settings in our Privacy Center.

Ad types

Uber offers a range of ad experiences, from in-app ads during a trip to sponsored listings in your Uber Eats feed. We personalize these ads based on your account information, your current activity on Uber, and/or data from previous trips and orders. Here are the different types of ads we offer and the data we use to personalize them.

Journey and post-checkout ads

You may see ads in the Uber app after you’ve requested a ride or made an order on Uber Eats, while waiting for your Uber Eats order, or while on the way to your destination. Selecting these ads may lead you to offers on Uber Eats for merchants on the app or the advertiser’s websites.

We want these ads to be relevant to you, so we may personalize them based on data such as:

  • Time of day (e.g., breakfast ads during an early morning ride)
  • Your current order or trip destination (e.g., travel ads when you are on the way to the airport)
  • Your interests based on your trip, order, or search history (e.g., local supermarket discounts)
  • Your gender, which we may infer based on your first name (modifiable in the app under Account > Settings > Privacy > Gender settings)
    • If you opt out of ad personalization but don’t remove your gender information, your inferred gender may still be used for safety features

You can opt out of ad personalization based on your trip, order, search history, and gender in our Privacy Center. Opting out means ads will only be based on your approximate location, time of day, and current trip or order information.

We do not allow ads based on your sensitive information, such as trips to or searches about medical facilities. Please visit our Global Advertising Targeting Policy for more information.

Sponsored placements, listings, items, and messages

You may see sponsored listings, products, and search results for merchants available on Uber Eats or Postmates. These can be identified via the “Sponsored” or “Ad” tag, and are paid for by the relevant merchant (in the case of sponsored listings), or the relevant brand owner (in the case of sponsored products). We may personalize those sponsored listings, products, and search results based on your order and search history. We also show sponsored listings and items based on your current trip or order information, approximate location, and time of day so that you don’t see them for merchants who are closed or not available in your area.

You can opt out of the personalization of sponsored listings, products, and search results based on your order and search history in our Privacy Center. If you opt out, the sponsored listings, products, and search results you see will only be based on your approximate location, time of day, and current trip or order information.

In-car tablet ads

You may see ads displayed on a tablet inside your driver’s car. These ads may be personalized using data like your user profile, trip or order history, and Uber search history to make them more relevant and useful. You can opt out of personalization of ads based on your trip, order, and search history, and your gender in our Privacy Center. If you opt out you’ll still see ads, but they’ll only be based on your approximate location, time of day, and current trip or order information.

For more information on Uber’s data sharing practices, please see Uber’s Privacy Notice.

Ads and Apple Tracking Transparency (ATT)

Uber uses Apple’s App Tracking Transparency framework to ask iOS users for permission to track them across apps and websites owned by other companies for targeted advertising purposes. Uber also enables iOS and Android users to control through Uber’s Data Sharing setting in our Privacy Center whether their data is shared with ad partners, measurement partners, and publishers to deliver personalized ads to our users and measure their effectiveness.