আমি কীভাবে সেক্রেটারিয়া ডি হ্যাসিন্ডা এবং ক্রেডিটো পাবলিকো (SAT)-এ রেজিস্টার করব?

Getting Started with Your Fiscal Data

Do you need a FIEL (Advanced Electronic Signature) and CSD (Digital Seal Certificate)? Here’s how to get them:

If You Don’t Have FIEL or CSD: * Visit the SAT: Go to the SAT (Mexican Tax Administration Service) to apply for your FIEL and CSD. * Make an Appointment: Schedule a meeting with the SAT to get assistance.

If You Already Have FIEL: * Follow this link if you already have your FIEL and need to proceed to the next step.

Not Registered with SAT? - If you are not yet registered with the SAT but need a FIEL, click here to start the process.

Getting your necessary fiscal data is easy and quick.

Before visiting Uber Activation Centers: - Gather Your Documents: Make sure you have all required documents ready for a smooth process at the Uber Activation Centers.

Remember, having your fiscal information in order is crucial to complete your sign-up process with Uber.