For help with managing expense codes for employee travel and meal programs, see the sections below.
You can require employees to enter an expense code when they request a ride or place an order on the company profile.
If you upload expense codes (see section below), employees will be able to choose a code from the list you upload. Uploading expense codes will also give you the option to allow employees to enter a custom expense code and include a memo when requesting a ride or placing an order.
If you don’t upload expense codes, employees will be able to manually enter a code.
Sign in to or to request a ride for someone.
Your Uber Program Administrator may require an expense code or memo for each trip you book based on your organization’s settings.
You can upload a spreadsheet of expense codes to your business account and require users (see section above) to pick one when requesting a ride or placing an order on the company profile.
To ensure your spreadsheet is in the correct format, download an [example CSV template( to work from.
You can set up SFTP data automation to automatically pull new expense codes from an enterprise software system (such as Oracle or Elite) instead of manually making changes.
If someone on your IT team is setting up data automation, they’ll need temporary admin access to complete this process.