Uber Freight Shipping Coverage and Claims

Will Uber Freight insure my loads?

FTL carriers using Uber Freight are required to have US$100,000 or CA$150,000 of cargo liability insurance. They will be liable for cargo damage in accordance with and subject to US law. Uber Freight will assist you with cargo claims directly against a carrier.

For more details on coverage, please review Uber Freight’s insurance information located in your welcome packet or check out this article.

What happens if my cargo is short product or there’s an overage or damage to my load?

If you discover any overages, shortages, or damages (OSD), please contact Uber Freight Support by emailing shipper-support@uber.com or by calling 877-289-8237. If necessary, Uber Freight will investigate the situation and connect you with the claims department.

Who do I need to contact to file claims related to LTL shipments?

Please email ltl-uf@uber.com for assistance. Our support team will help file a claim on your behalf.