What are the Non-Restaurant Quality Requirements?

We are always looking to provide the best possible consumer experience and maintain the reputation of high-quality merchants using Uber Eats. As a result, we have set minimum thresholds for non-restaurant merchants that must be met in order for these merchants to retain access to the Uber Eats Marketplace, as well as Merchant Funded Offers and Ads in Uber Eats Manager. All of these metrics are merchant owned, meaning merchants have full control to unlock access to tooling by focusing on performance and quality. In the interest of transparency, we’re sharing these metrics to set expectations for when we exercise our discretion to restrict or remove access to the Uber Eats platform. Most merchants are able to meet these standards.

Here are the minimum standards that non-restaurant merchants must meet:

  • Reliability: Any merchant on the app must be reliable at completing orders. This is determined by the percent of trips not canceled due to the Merchant canceling or unaccepting the order or a Merchant delay that led to a canceled order. If the Merchant Completion rate is lower than 95%, merchants will lose access to the marketing tools. Any merchant with a rate lower than 85% risk being removed from the platform.

  • Found Rate: Merchants need to have an up to date and accurate catalog on the app. Merchants with an average found rate lower than 80% will lose access to the Marketing tab in Uber Eats Manager. Any merchant with a found rate equal to or less than 70% will risk being removed from the platform.

  • Average Store Rating: This reflects the average ratings consumers have provided to a merchant. Merchants with an average rating of at least 4.0 meet the requirements for marketing services. If the rating is lower than a 4.0, merchants will lose access to the Marketing tab in Uber Eats Manager. Any merchant with a rating equal to or less than 3.0 risk being removed from the platform.

  • Photo Coverage: “Photo coverage” means that you’ve associated the SKU with an image of the item. Merchants who don’t maintain at least 70% photo coverage of live SKUs risk being removed from the platform.

  • SKU Count: Uber’s consumers value variety and selection, which is why merchants must meet the minimum SKU Count thresholds for live SKUs or risk being removed from the platform.

    • Grocery = 1,000
    • Convenience Store/Pharmacy = 250
    • Liquor (for locations that allow all liquor sales) = 400
    • Liquor (for locations that only allow beer & wine) = 150
    • Specialty Liquor (Canada ONLY) = 5
    • Flower = 10
    • Retail, Speciality Food, Pet Supply = 25

Uber may remove Non-Restaurant Merchants from the Uber Eats platform, or restrict access to ads on the Uber Eats platform, if the Non-Restaurant Merchant does not meet the minimum threshold requirements in this Policy. Uber reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time in its discretion.