আমার ড্রাইভারের আচরণ অভদ্র বা অপেশাদার ছিল

Drivers who drive with Uber agree to maintain a high standard of professional service that includes being respectful and polite. If that was not your experience, please share the details with us on this page.

You can help us improve trip safety and quality by providing a rating for your driver. If you haven’t rated your driver yet, select the trip from the Trips section of the menu in your Uber app to provide a rating.

If you believe you were unfairly charged a cancellation fee, please report using this link.

If your driver refused your destination, let us know what happened below.

If you believe you were incorrectly charged a cancellation fee, go back in your trip history and select the trip in question. Under the trip, select Review my cancellation fee and we’ll look into it.

If your driver made discriminatory remarks towards you, please use the link below to report it as a safety issue. We take reports of discrimination very seriously.

If your driver drove dangerously, please report using the link below:

If your driver's behavior made you feel unsafe, please report using the link below:

If your driver made inappropriate comments about your service animal, please report using the link below:

Have questions about our refund policy? Visit this page for more information.

If your concern is not any one of the above and is related to your driver being rude, please enter the date below and we'll review your concern.