ভয়েস কমান্ড বিষয়ক প্রায়শই জিজ্ঞাসিত প্রশ্নাবলী

With voice ordering, you can reorder and track the status of your favourite meals, all in an instant. Discover the magic of voice commands and how to use them with Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri. Note: capabilities vary by platform and language.

For Alexa

What to know before getting started

You’ll need an Alexa device, an Amazon account, and the latest version of the Uber Eats app. From there, you can enable voice commands in the app by going to Account, selecting Voice Command Settings, and selecting the Alexa button at the top. During this step, you will see the toggle to Show “Track with Alexa” option after checkout.” This will add the ability to turn on Alexa tracking for each order you place.

How to track your order

To track the status of any in-progress order, the first thing you’ll have to do is click the Track with Alexa button on your order tracking screen. Then log into your Amazon account and choose to hear updates automatically. Once you confirm, your Alexa device(s) will update you on the status of your order!

Repeat this process for any individual order where you’d like to enable order tracking.

Languages available: The integration is available in English.

For Siri

What to know before getting started

You’ll need a Siri-enabled mobile device and the latest version of the Uber Eats app. From there, you can enable voice commands in the app by going to Account, selecting Voice Command Settings, and choosing Add to Siri. During this step, you will be able to choose a custom command that you will use later to perform the action. This will add the phrase to Siri’s skills.

Languages available: There are 7 languages available for voice commands (English, German, Japanese, French, Hindi, and Portuguese) but we’re working on making more available.

How to reorder

Reorder all your favourites by saying, “Hey Siri,” followed by the command that you chose during setup. For example:

  • “Reorder” - then wait for Siri to ask for the restaurant name - “[Anna’s Deli].”

From there, the app will put together the last order from your chosen spot, including all past customisations and delivery/pick-up preferences. Before finalizing, you’ll have a chance to confirm or modify the order before submitting it.

How to track your order

To track the status of any in-progress order, the first thing you’ll have to do is say “Hey Siri.” Then use the command you created in the setup phase.

If you have more than one order in progress, it will take you to the most recent.

For Google Assistant

What to know before getting started

You’ll first have to make sure you have a Google Assistant–enabled mobile device and the latest version of the Uber Eats app.

Languages available:Currently, voice commands work worldwide in English and Portuguese, but we’re working on making more available.

How to reorder

Reorder all your favourites by saying, “Hey Google,” followed by one of the voice commands below:

  • “Reorder [Marcello’s Pizza] on Uber Eats.”
  • “Open Uber Eats and reorder [Marcello’s Pizza].”

From there, the app will put together the last order from your chosen spot, including all past customisations and delivery/pick-up preferences. You’ll have a chance to confirm or modify the order before submitting it.

How to track your order

To track the status of any in-progress order try saying, “Hey Google.” Then you can use any of these voice commands:

  • “Ask Uber Eats to check my order.”
  • “Check my order on Uber Eats.”
  • “Show my order status on Uber Eats.”

If you have more than one order in progress, it will take you to the most recent.

Will this be available on other platforms?

At the moment, only Google and Siri voice commands are enabled, but we plan to bring these functions to other platforms very soon.