আনুমানিক মূল্য বলতে কী বোঝায়?

Some orders show an estimated price for the subtotal and tax when you place your order.

Why is the estimated price and tax different from the final total?

With estimated pricing, you authorize your delivery person to order and pay on your behalf in store. The final subtotal and tax may differ from the estimated price due to in-store prices, item availability, and item substitutions.

After the delivery person pays the merchant and the order is completed, you’ll see the final order total along with an updated receipt. The tax amount may be adjusted according to the final total.

Note: All fees, promotions, and discounts are based on the estimated total. These (and any tips) won’t change if the estimated total is updated.

Estimated pricing terms

  • Estimated Subtotal = the estimated price of the order, excluding promotions, small-order fee, service fee, delivery fee, and tip (if added)

  • Estimated Total = the estimated total price of the order, including promotions, small-order fee, service fee, delivery fee, and tip (if added)

  • Final Subtotal + Tax = the amount paid to the merchant by the delivery person. It’s been adjusted to reflect the merchant’s charges for all items purchased, including applicable taxes and fees.

  • Final Total = the merchant-confirmed total price of the order, which includes promotions, small-order fee, service fee, delivery fee, and tip (if added)