Pagament diari per a negocis

Stores interested in receiving daily pay can opt-in via Uber Eats Manager. Once opted in, stores will start receiving daily disbursements a few days afterward (allowing one day + bank settlement duration, which is usually 2-3 business days).

Beginning on July 1, 2021, there will be a $1 fee per day per location for using daily pay.


How are stores currently paid?

  • Stores are currently paid on a weekly basis
  • Earnings of the previous week are calculated on Monday and payments are sent to banks to be processed
  • Banks usually settle transactions within 2 - 3 business days

How will daily payout work?

  • Stores interested in receiving daily pay can opt-in via Uber Eats Manager.
  • Once opted in, stores will start receiving daily disbursements a few days afterward (allowing one day and bank settlement duration, which is usually 2-3 business days).
  • Daily pay disbursement fees will be $1 per location per day.
  • Users logging in on behalf of multi-location stores will be able to choose whether to opt for individual stores or all of their stores into the daily pay program.

Please note: Banks will not process payments on Saturday and Sunday. Expect your Friday and weekend payments to be processed on the following Monday.

Will all stores be able to opt-in to this new feature?

  • Yes, all stores will be able to opt-in.
  • You need your Restaurant Manager details to log in and go to the payments tab in Uber Eats Manager and click on “Daily Payment opt-in”
  • If you have forgotten your password to Uber Eats Manager, you can reset it at

How will this help stores?

  • We’ve heard from stores that they’re worried about a slow down in business, and how this might impact their cash flow and ability to pay suppliers or employees
  • That’s why we’ve decided to provide stores with the option to receive daily payouts rather than waiting until the end of the week to see revenue from deliveries

How does this affect my pay statements and my invoices?

  • You will receive a daily payment summary email
  • Yet Uber Eats will continue to make invoices available on a weekly basis.
  • You can still download these weekly invoices from the payment section in Uber Eats Manager

Does this change the way payouts are calculated?

  • No. All taxes and fees are calculated on a per-order basis
  • Changing the payout frequency has no impact on these calculations

Do daily payments come with additional costs?

  • The Daily pay disbursements fee is $1 per location per day beginning on July 1, 2021.

Can I opt-out again?

  • You can use the same function in Uber Eats Manager to revert back to weekly payments
  • Payments should revert back to a weekly schedule after 24 hours