Gestió de perfils familiars de l’app Uber

Set up a Family Profile

  1. Go to the Account tab
  2. Scroll down and choose Family

Only one Family Profile can be created at a time. Family members can’t be restricted to certain vehicle types or spending limits.

Invite a member

  1. Go to the Account tab
  2. Scroll down and choose Family
  3. Select Add member and select people from your contact list to send them an invite to join your profile

Uber Family follows Uber’s Terms and Conditions so users still need to be 18 years of age (or the age of legal majority in their location) to sign up and ride with Uber.

Remove a member

  1. Go to the Account tab
  2. Scroll down and choose Family
  3. Select the name of the family member you want to remove
  4. Choose Remove family member

Before verifying a member was removed from the Family Profile, make sure:

  • You have updated to the latest version of the app
  • Quit the app and then reopen it to see if the member has been removed

Change payment method

  1. Go to the Account tab
  2. Scroll down and choose Family
  3. Under Preferences, select Default payment

Depending on your location, there may be some limitations on which payment method you can use on your Family Profile. Only credit cards can be used as a payment preference for your Family Profile.

Change email for trip receipts

To change the email address where receipts are sent for your Family Profile:

  1. Go to the Account tab
  2. Scroll down and choose Family
  3. Under Preferences select Email receipts and make the change

Delete Family Profile

The Family Profile owner can delete the profile. To do this:

  1. Go to the Account tab
  2. Select Family
  3. Scroll to the bottom, choose Delete profile, then confirm

Troubleshooting Family Profile

Family member not appearing

If your family members are not appearing on the account, resend their invites. If they didn’t have the Uber app when you sent the invite, you’ll need to resend the invite after they install the app.

Family Profile features not working

If you or your family members notice that Family Profile features are not working, you may need to:

  1. Update the app to the latest version
  2. Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play store
  3. Search for Uber
  4. Select Update
  5. Quit and restart the app

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