Quins preus es poden aplicar a la comanda?

When you place an order, the fees you may pay cover delivery and platform costs so your order arrives quickly and reliably.

Orders may include the following fees:

  • Delivery Fee: Covers delivery costs, varying by merchant based on demand, location, and courier availability. You’ll always know the Delivery Fee before placing your order. Uber collects this fee; it is not a gratuity. Couriers also receive payment per local laws.

  • Local Operating Fee: Offsets increased costs from regulations imposed on third-party food delivery platforms. Uber collects this fee; it is not a gratuity. Couriers also receive payment per local laws.

  • Service Fee and Other Fees: These fees vary based on factors like basket size and help cover order-related costs. You pay $0.10 of these fees directly to Uber for marketplace services (such as facilitating access to couriers and merchants), and the rest is given to your courier, who may pay a portion of these fees to Uber for various services, including lead generation, payment processing, issue support, and other ancillary services. Fees do not constitute gratuities.

  • Small Order Fee: Applies when an order subtotal is below a certain amount. This fee varies by city but can be removed by adding more items to your cart.

  • Delivery Adjustment Fee: Covers updates made after placing your order, such as changing your delivery address, and compensating the delivery person for extra time and effort.

  • Marketplace Fee: Applies only to orders delivered directly by the stores and helps operate the platform. This fee may be charged as a percentage of an order subtotal or a flat fee, depending on location. Minimum and maximum amounts may apply to the marketplace fee as displayed on the fees information screen.

  • Expanded Access Fee: This fee varies based on expanded access to merchants, promotional offers, or benefits application for orders with expanded merchants, and other order-related costs. The fee is not a gratuity. You can see which orders will incur this fee via a banner on the merchant page and in the fees section at checkout.

  • CA Driver Benefits: Introduced in California to help fund new benefits for drivers following Prop 22, including a healthcare stipend, additional insurance coverage, and a minimum earnings guarantee, among others.

  • New York Courier Fee: Due to New York City’s new requirements, workers are guaranteed a minimum hourly pay rate while delivering orders. Customers will now see an additional fee on all delivery orders to help cover this pay rate. Tipping remains optional.