Utensils and disposable item requests - FAQ

When placing an order with a restaurant on the Uber Eats platform, customers can request disposable, single-use items like utensils, straws and napkins.

If they don’t ask for any of these items, you don’t need to include them with the order.

How do customers request disposable items?

Before placing an order, customers will see a toggle for Utensils, napkins, etc. on the order confirmation page. The toggle is off by default, so customers must tap it if they want to receive disposable items with their order.

The customer may specify in the special instructions section what disposable items they want, even if they have said no to disposable items in general, so be sure to check this.

Where will I see these requests?

You’ll see disposable item requests in 2 places:

  1. Uber Eats Orders order card

    • The disposable item request, if placed, could appear above any special instructions

    • You’ll see this in the order confirmation card when the order first comes in. You can also double check the eater preference by clicking into the order card under “In Progress” orders.

  2. Uber Eats Orders printed receipt

    • The disposable item request appears above the order items

What if I’m POS integrated?

If you’re a POS integrated store, customers won’t be able to request disposable items using the toggle feature. You’ll need to access the Uber Eats 2.0 order APIs and build out this request option.

Once you’ve built this out, you can work with your technical account manager to enable the disposable item request feature for your restaurant.

Am I required to follow requests?

Depending on where your restaurant is located, local regulations may impose specific requirements for single-use items. The disposable item request feature is designed to help restaurants more easily comply with these regulations.

Uber Eats is not responsible for compliance with such regulations, however, we want to make it easier for restaurant partners. Please check your city’s rules and regulations around disposable items to ensure you comply.

Also, honoring requests ensures that customers get the disposable items they need.

What are the benefits of fulfilling these types of requests?

By following the disposable item requests, you’ll help:

  • Reduce waste and negative impacts on the environment
  • Save costs on disposable items
  • More easily accommodate restaurant compliance with local regulations around disposable plastic items (if they exist)
  • Ensure eater requests are honored so customers get exactly what they asked for

Should I still include condiments?

We recommend adding condiments as optional modifier selections within your menu, which you can do using the Menu Maker tool in Uber Eats Manager. To learn more about adding modifier groups, check out this article. For POS-integrated stores, view this article.

Your city may also have rules and regulations around including condiments only if requested. Please check your city’s rules and regulations around disposable items to ensure you comply.

Once you’ve built this out, you can work with your technical account manager to enable the disposable item request feature for your restaurant.

For POS-integrated stores, see the Menu API guidelines for instructions on editing your menu.

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