If you didn’t request this ride at all, it’s possible that someone you know could have been logged into your account and may have requested a ride on your account without realizing it. Before getting in touch with us, it’s a good idea to check with friends and family who may have access to your Uber account or the payment method.
If you requested a ride but your driver didn’t show up, it may be that another rider accidentally took the ride.
To prevent a similar issue in the future, you can turn on Verify Your Ride in the app to receive a 4-digit PIN that helps your driver confirm you’re in the right car.
Hvis du har fulgt anbefalingerne ovenfor, men stadig mener, at du blev opkrævet betaling for en tur, som en anden måske har foretaget, skal du angive oplysningerne om turen nedenfor. Så hjælper vi dig gerne:
Bemærk: Alle indberetninger gennemgås for at sikre, at kravene er gyldige.