Kann ich ohne ein Uber Eats Tablet auf Uber Eats Orders zugreifen?

If you cannot access Uber Eats Orders through an Uber Eats tablet, here are the following devices you can use instead:

Usable devices

  • A personal laptop or desktop computer
  • An Android phone or Tablet
  • An Apple iPad or iPhone

How to log into Uber Eats Orders with a desktop or laptop

  1. Open a new Google Chrome Window Restaurant Dashboard can only be opened on Google Chrome. If Chrome is open, click “File,” then “New Window.”
  2. Access Uber Eats Orders for Web by clicking on or typing the URL in your Google Chrome browser: https://restaurant-dashboard.uber.com
  3. Enter your login credentials. Use your Restaurant Dashboard username and password or the username and password you received when you first signed up your restaurant with Uber Eats.

You should be logged in! If you are prompted to accept notifications, click Allow in order to ensure you receive orders.

How to log into Uber Eats Orders with an Android or iOS tablet / phone

1. Download the app

Download Android here, or download iOS here.

2. Enter your login information

Use your Uber Eats Orders username and password or the username and password you received when you first signed up with Uber Eats. You should now be logged in.

3. Enable app permissions

To ensure that the app still works in the background of your phone even if the home screen is off, you have to enable notifications in just a few steps: 1. Select “Settings” 2. Select “Notifications” 3. Choose “Uber Eats for Restaurants App” 4. Enable “Notifications”

4. Enable sound

Make sure your device volume is on and audible so you can hear orders come in! When front-of-house operations get busy, audio notifications add an additional reminder to help staff fulfill new orders and keep track of updates.

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