Guide to delivering alcohol

If the order you're picking up contains alcohol, the app will prompt you to check for ID. This process is the result of legal and regulatory requirements, not independent instructions or guidance by Uber. It is important that you follow all of the prompts in the app, so be sure to keep your phone on you at all times.

As a reminder, delivery partners are required to follow all applicable laws and regulations in the city you are delivering, including road safety laws and alcohol laws.

Here are three top tips to follow when delivering alcohol:

1) Keep your phone close
The app will tell you whenever your order involves alcohol and will prompt you with instructions. You'll need to confirm the age of recipient before you can complete the delivery.

2) Check IDs
It is against the law to deliver alcohol to anyone who is under the legal age of alcohol consumption.

Before you hand over the alcohol order, ask for an ID and look for the recipient's birthdate to confirm that he/she is of legal age.

Acceptable IDs include:
Driver's license, TASPO Card, Student ID,
Passport, Residence Card

In some cases, you may feel more comfortable asking for two forms of identification.

3) Use your judgment
If you don't trust what you see, we trust you! If you think someone has shown you a fake ID, is already noticeably intoxicated, or is planning on serving alcohol to those under the legal age; it is your legal responsibility to refuse the delivery.

Politely tell the recipient that you are unable to deliver the order and then dispose (no consumption) the alcohol at a safe place.