Background Check and VEVO

Background check

A criminal background check needs to be passed as this is one of the document requirements to deliver with Uber.

VEVO check

For delivery people whose right to work cannot be verified with the primary ID submitted, a VEVO (Visa Entitlement Verification Online) check needs to be conducted to continue signing up.

How it works

  1. You need to lodge a background check and/or VEVO check request (see links below).
  2. NCC (National Crime Check) will process the request within 14 days for the background check and within 48 hours for VEVO check.
  3. Once processed, the result will be sent to you via email and a copy will be supplied to us.
  4. We will upload the documents to your account and review the result.

Once uploaded, documents are generally reviewed within 2 hours. You may check your account status by visiting