Delivery & Location

I can’t find the store location

To find the store:

  1. Zoom in on the pin to get the most accurate detail for a merchant’s desired pickup location
  2. Check the store’s pickup instructions
  3. Contact the store to confirm their location. (Direct communication can make it easier to coordinate deliveries.)
  4. Feel free to use a 3rd party navigation app

Where is the parking at the store or customer’s address?

You can find parking at the store by contacting the store to confirm their parking. You can find parking at the customer’s address by contacting customers, or trying to meet them outside their address.

If you are not able to find parking at either the store or the customer’s address after contacting them, you can cancel the trip in-app. This won’t impact your cancellation rate.

My dropoff location isn’t accessible OR the dropoff location doesn’t have an apartment or unit number. How should I handle this?

If the customer did not leave any details on the best place to leave their order, you can contact them and coordinate the delivery, or ask them any questions regarding their preferred drop off. If you are unable to get in touch with the customer, you can leave the order at the door, in the building entryway, with a doorman, with front desk staff, or with the reception desk of the dropoff location in your app.

Feel free to follow the in-app process to attach a photo to the order. You can always leave a note to the customer to provide drop off details.

What if the customer’s delivery instruction is ‘Leave at Door’?

If your customer has requested the order be left at their door, you can follow their delivery notes. Customer delivery notes will show up below the customer’s name in the app. If the customer requested that you leave the order at their door, you are not required to wait for your customer to get their order.

Once you have left the order at the dropoff, feel free to follow the in-app process to attach a photo. If you have an issue with the in-app photo process, tap “Skip” in the upper right hand corner of the photo screen. A photo is not required, so you can mark the order as “Delivered” on the following screen. You can always leave a note to the customer to provide drop-off details.

What if I need to contact/can’t contact the customer to coordinate the delivery?

You can contact your customer and coordinate the delivery with them, or ask them any questions regarding their preferred drop off. If you are unable to get in touch with the customer, you can leave the order at the door, in the building entryway, with a doorman, with front desk staff, or with the reception desk of the dropoff location in your app. You can always leave a note to the customer to provide drop off details. Once you have left the order at the dropoff, mark it as “Delivered”.

What if the customer changed their dropoff address?

You will earn an additional amount for your effort to continue to the new delivery address in this situation. If you decide not to continue with this order due to a new delivery address, return your items at the store before canceling the order. . As a reminder for future delivery requests, you are not required to complete deliveries outside of the delivery radius.

How to find an optimal route

Using a third-party navigation app