Women Rider Preference

The Women Rider Preference allows Lessor Partners who identify as women or non-binary to set a preference for picking up women Users.

To set this preference:

1. Open the Uber App.

2. Tap the 3 horizontal lines in the bottom right of the screen. This will open the "Trip Planner."

3. Tap the Preferences icon in the bottom right corner. This will open your Driving Preferences.

4. Select the "Women Riders" toggle to enable or disable the Women User Preference.

NOTE: You may receive fewer leases while using the feature, which may impact your earnings.

Uber cannot guarantee that all Users you are matched with while using this feature will be women, or appear in a way that you would identify as a woman. If you are matched with someone you believe is a male User while using this feature, you may cancel the lease and select "I selected trips with women riders" as your cancellation reason. This helps communicate the concern back to Uber. If you cancel at the indicated location to initiate the lease, this will not count against your cancellation rate and you will not be charged for the cancellation. Note that a woman may request a lease and bring male companions with her, so long as she is present during the lease as well.

Please be mindful that the Uber community is remarkably diverse, including people of all gender identities and expressions. Some women Users may not express their gender or appear in a way that matches your perception of "femininity."

To access the Women Rider Preference, you must sign a form to certify that your recent gender update in-app is an accurate representation of your identity.

After you sign the form, you must reply to the message you received from Uber support letting us know this is complete. The message is titled 'I've updated my gender identity.' At that point, the Support team will review your submission.