Viewing trip earnings

You can view your earnings activity in the Driver app or your driver dashboard.

Driver app

  1. Tap the menu.
  2. Select Earnings.
  3. Select See details.
  4. To view a different time frame, select an option beneath Earnings activity or tap the calendar in the top right to select specific dates.
  5. Select any stat (such as earnings, hours online and/or trips) to add it to the chart for that week. Select the stat again to remove it from the chart.
  6. Tap the chart to select a specific day to see the fare breakdown for that day.
  7. Select See earnings activity to view recent trips. Select a trip to see details and earnings for that trip.

Driver dashboard

  1. Go to
  2. Select the menu.
  3. Select Earnings.

Weekly earnings statements

You’ll receive your weekly statement via email and your dashboard every Monday. Your statement includes:

  • Weekly summary: How much you made and cashed out
  • Breakdowns: How much you made on trips, promotions, tips and any adjustments to previous weeks
  • Weekly Uber Service Fee summary: How much customers paid and the weekly Service Fee
  • Transactions: All transactions for the week (individual trip earnings, payouts, fees charged, etc.)

Your weekly statement cycle begins on Monday at 4:00 a.m. and ends the following Monday at 3:59 a.m.