Report wrong address or PIN

This page is to report the wrong address or pin registered by the customer.

Please note that we will get back to your inquiry from this page via message.

If you need immediate support from support on the live order, please contact the support from chat.

Please be sure to select the correct order for proper handling. If you cannot find the relevant delivery, please contact us again via the correct help page.

Reporting the wrong address or Pin location

Please follow the below to report the wrong address.

  1. Select the applicable trip from “Choose a trip”
  2. If the trip was batched trip, please select the applicable trips from the toggles. * Please select in order of destination.
  3. Let us know the details of the issue.
  4. Tap “Send”

Choose a trip

Please select which one of the batched trips there was an address or pin issue. For single orders, please select First trip.

Details of the issue