Delivery Partner is delayed or unavailable

If a courier hasn’t been assigned

If the order is still waiting for the courier to be assigned and it’s within 30 minutes; it’s possible that the order can still be assigned and delivered to the eater without canceling the order.

If a courier has been assigned

If the order has been assigned to a courier but the courier hasn’t picked up the order, we ask that you please wait as they should be with you shortly.

If the order gets canceled before a courier is assigned

If the order(s) gets canceled before a courier is assigned to the order, the customer can contact us directly, and you’ll be paid for the prepared order(s).

If you need to check / adjust your prep time

  1. Log into Restaurant Manager.
  2. Select ‘Preparation Times’ from the side menu.
  3. Insert the default preparation time and tap ‘Save’.

If you need to pause orders

  1. Navigate to the Restaurant Dashboard.
  2. Click the menu icon (top left button).
  3. Select ‘Pause New Orders’ and follow the prompts.

Orders will auto-resume after the selected time frame has ended. If you would like to resume orders before then, you can do so through the ‘Pause Orders’ feature on the app.