Troubleshooting Audio Issues

First, make sure your device is not set to silent or mute and check the playback volume level of your device by following the instructions for your phone’s operating system:

Then turn up the volume when audio from the Driver app is playing. Keep in mind, when a phone is plugged into a vehicle USB port, the sound may automatically mute or deactivate.

If the audio issues persists, try these troubleshooting steps:

App volume is too loud,too quiet, or there is no audio

To adjust the volume:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Sounds & Voice
  2. Set volume to Louder

Audio customization has three kinds of volume in the app: Softer, Normal, and Louder.

  • Toggle settings ON for voice navigation, read rider messages, and announce trip events
  • If you’re listening through car speakers, check that the volume is turned up on those speakers
  • Try closing and then restarting the app

Phone volume is reduced when using the app

  • This may be a bug within the app. Please report it
  • Try closing and restarting the app
  • Try activating and then canceling Siri or any other personal assistant

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