Cómo consultar los últimos pagos y desgloses

To see your payment history and breakdowns, go to the online Uber Eats Manager at restaurants.uber.com and log in.

Open the Payments tab to see your current weekly earnings and all past earnings.

For a detailed view of your payments, follow these steps:

  1. From Uber Eats Manager, go to the Reports tab on the left menu bar.
  2. Click on the “Request Reports” button in the top right corner of the “Request History” page.
  3. Choose the type of report(s) you are interested in downloading (for this, pick “Report Types: Payment Details (financial)”), the date range, and the location(s), then click Request.
  4. After requesting a report, you’ll see the report’s status on the Request History page in Reports Hub. Depending on the complexity of the report, it could be ready in a few seconds, or a few hours.
  5. You will receive an emailed notification when the report is ready to download.

Then you can return to your Uber Eats Manager portal and download your report directly from the Reports tab by clicking Download in the Actions column next to the report you requested. This will download a document that shows all of the order IDs, sales, taxes, adjustments and net payout info for every order of the selected week.

Here’s a summary of what all of the different columns in your payment history mean:


The number of orders your store received through Uber Eats during the week. Please note that each pay period runs from 12 am Monday to 12 am the following Monday.


This is the total net sales food sales pre-tax that your store sold through the Uber Eats platform.


Sales tax is charged to the customer on each order. The full sales tax amount is remitted back to the store with each week’s payment, unless applicable law requires Uber Eats to remit the tax directly to the taxing authority.


The total amount of sales and tax collected, prior to Uber service fees (does not include the customer’s delivery fees).


This includes any adjustments to an Uber Eats order. (Example: +$1.00 for extra bacon.)

Miscellaneous payments

Miscellaneous payments are typically anything charged by Uber. Most often these include activation fees charged for joining the Uber Eats as well as Data tablet fees.

Uber Eats service fee

This is calculated as Sales * store commission rate. Sales tax is not included in the Uber Service Fee Calculation.

Net payout

This sum equals your Total for the week, minus any tax Uber is required to remit and the Uber Service Fee.


If you have a status of PAID, you have received a direct deposit of the Net Payout to your banking account. If you have a PENDING status, your payment is pending and will be posted by X date.

Did the “Payor” on the bank statements change?

Starting January 6, 2019, the payor on your bank statements will change from Uber USA LLC to UBER USA LLC FBO UBER USERS - DISBURSEMENTS