Preguntas frecuentes sobre el cambio de titularidad

Si tu ubicación cambia de propietario, notifica a Uber al completar el formulario web.

Asegúrate de completar todos los campos que se solicitan en el formulario web. En caso de incumplimiento, es posible que se produzcan demoras en el procesamiento de tu solicitud.

A continuación se enumeran las preguntas frecuentes sobre el proceso de cambio de propietario.

How long does the Change of Ownership process take?

Generally, the process takes less than 10 days to be completed.

However, the process time can be longer in certain circumstances (i.e. if there are multiple locations, the webform is incomplete, or the location owners do not provide the information or signed documentation requested by Uber Eats Support.)

What if I am a new owner and the prior owner is not available to assist with the change of ownership process?

If the original owner (“selling party”) is no longer available or incapacitated to approve Change of Ownership to the new owner (“buying party”), Uber Eats reserves the right to terminate the contract with the previous owner. The new owner must then go through a new onboarding process for the location.

How will Uber Eats Support contact me?

Uber Eats Support uses email for general communications and uses the application DocuSign to collect sensitive account information and bank information and to sign contracts or addendums.

What if I also need to update my bank account information in connection with the change of ownership?

Through the change of ownership process, your bank information will be updated as one of the last steps.

Once Uber Eats Support reviews and verifies the information provided and the new contracts are signed and validated, then Uber Eats Support will reach out to you to have your bank and tax information updated in Uber Eats Manager.

¿Cómo sabré que el proceso de cambio de propietario se completó?

El equipo de soporte de Uber Eats se comunicará con el nuevo propietario por correo electrónico para confirmar que el cambio de propietario se completó correctamente.

Nota: Conserva el correo electrónico de confirmación de cambio de propietario para tus registros.