Teata Uber Taxi sõiduga seotud probleemist

Use this page if you want to report an issue that you have encountered in an Uber Taxi you hailed from the street or caught from a taxi rank only.

  • If you booked using the app, please tell us your issue in your app’s Help Section for quicker help.

    If you hailed an Uber Taxi from the street, please provide as much information as possible below.

  • Thank you for taking the time to report this. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Sulle saadetakse automaatne sõnum kinnitamiseks, et see oled tõesti Sina. Palun ava see ja vali „Kinnita e-posti aadress“ ning seejärel ühendame Su meie tiimi liikmega. Kirjutamine: