Miten käytän tarjouskoodia?

The promo must be added to your account before you can apply it to an order. Use these steps to add it to your account:

  1. Tap the profile icon at the bottom of the main screen
  2. Tap “Promotions” then “Add promo”
  3. Enter the code and tap “Add promo”

Note: Some promos add to your account automatically. This means that after following the steps above you may already see a promo there.

You need to apply the promo to your order if it doesn’t automatically apply. Follow these steps before placing your order:

  1. Add items to your cart and tap “View cart”
  2. Scroll down and tap “Add promo”
  3. If a different promo was already applied, tap “View details” and then “Add promo” to add a different promo code.
  4. Enter the promo code and tap “Add promo”
  5. Tap “Place order” to complete your purchase

Note: You may only use one promo per order. Some restaurant promos are automatically added to your account and will apply to your order before any other promos.