Uber Eats Pro : Programme de récompenses pour les livreurs

Uber Eats Pro is our rewards program for couriers. Designed to show appreciation and support, Uber Eats Pro lets couriers earn points to unlock exciting benefits like covered tuition or discounted car maintenance.

Note: Uber Eats Pro is currently only available in select cities but may be offered to more areas soon.

Membership tiers

Couriers can progress through four tiers based on earned points and satisfaction ratings. With each higher tier, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of the lower tiers, plus additional exclusive rewards. Tiers include: * Blue * Gold * Platinum * Diamond

Note: To qualify for Gold, Platinum, and Diamond, keep your satisfaction rating at 95% or above. This rating is based on feedback from restaurants and customers.

How to earn points

You collect points for every order you deliver. Points vary based on the specific time of the delivery.

*Lunch (11 AM - 2 PM): Earn 3 points per delivery *Dinner (5 PM - 9 PM): Earn 6 points per delivery *Other times: Earn 1 point per delivery

Monthly points system

Points are earned during fixed one-month periods to determine your reward tier status for the next month. Here’s how it works:

  • Points accrue over one month
  • At the end of the month, points reset to zero
  • When you earn a new tier, you enjoy its benefits immediately and keep them through the entire next month. For example, if you achieve Diamond status on January 2, you’ll be able to access Diamond-level rewards it until the end of February.

Stay tuned for updates about where Uber Eats Pro will expand to next and get ready to earn rewards as you deliver!