Suis-je payé si le livreur ne se présente pas?

You will be paid for orders where you prepare the food, unless otherwise specified in your contract.

Sometimes there are not enough delivery people available to accept an order. When this happens, the order will be canceled for the customer at no cost and you will be refunded for the order. We keep track of these instances and work to improve the issue in the future.

You can always check if you were paid for a canceled order by going to Order History in Uber Eats Orders or Payment tab in Uber Eats Manager.

Please note that you will be paid out for an order if you’ve accepted the order and started preparing it before the customer cancels.

You will not, however, be paid for unfulfilled orders in these instances:

  • Support confirms the order was not prepared (for reasons such as you ran out of an item or the order was too big)
  • Your store was closed when the delivery person arrived (for reasons such as closing early and forgetting to turn off your tablet, or your hours are wrong on your menu and need to be adjusted)