Use this form at the end of the article to report inappropriate or unsafe behaviours such as inappropriate verbal comments or gestures (e.g. inappropriate personal questions, sexually suggestive gestures or comments).
Please use the below link, if you feel that the driver's behaviour was more severe than the above examples, such as if it involved physical touching or a potential injury.
Please use the below link, if the driver’s behavior was inappropriate as a professional driver.
Please use the below link, if you feel that your driver was driving unsafely or was distracted during this trip.
Thank you for reporting this incident. Let us know more about your experience by completing the form below. Reporting is key for keeping you and other riders safe on the platform. This is a top priority for Uber.
En soumettant ces informations, je confirme qu'elles ont été créées ou obtenues conformément à toutes les exigences légales applicables.