How do I delete my account?

You can delete your account from the app or on the web using the steps below.

Please note, if you have an Uber Eats account using the same account details, it will also be deleted when your request is complete.

Before you can delete your account, we’ll ask you to verify your identity using a temporary verification code. This may require you to have a phone number attached to your account. If you’re not able to add a phone number in your account settings, contact us through the link below:

Supprimer votre compte à partir de l'app

  1. Ouvrez l'app Uber, puis touchez l'icône du menu en haut à gauche.
  2. Choisissez Paramètres ensuite Paramètres de confidentialité.
  3. Touchez Supprimer le compte
  4. Suivez les dernières étapes dans l'app pour terminer la procédure.

Supprimer votre compte sur le site Web

Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous et connectez-vous.

Vous pourrez suivre les étapes pour supprimer votre compte.

After completing either process above, your account will be immediately deactivated. After 30 days it will be permanently deleted, and any unused credits, promotions, or rewards will be removed.

We may retain certain information after account deletion as required or permitted by law.

If you change your mind and want to keep your account, you can restore it by signing in at within 30 days of deactivation.

If you’re having trouble deleting your account, contact us through the link below: