Comment sont facturés les frais d'annulation par un passager ?

Uber cancellation policy

You may get a cancelation fee if: * The rider cancels after you accept their trip * The rider doesn’t show up at the pickup location within a set time after your arrival * The rider cancels after you’ve accepted the trip * The rider is not at the pickup location when you arrive

Additional details

  • Fees vary based on the type of trip and your city
  • Cancellation fees based on the time and distance you’ve driven apply only on your way to the pickup, except for UberBlack and UberSUV trips
  • A countdown timer appears in the app when you reach the pickup spot. If it runs out and the rider isn’t there, you may qualify for a cancellation fee
  • Any fees you earn from cancellations show up in your earnings statement
  • Reserve trip cancellations don’t use time and distance to calculate fees

Please note: Uber may adjust, hold back, or not pay out cancellation fees if they find any discrepancies or suspect fraud. Also, sometimes we test changes to the policy, which might lead to waived cancellation fees for certain instances.