יש לי בעיית התאמת מחיר

If you’re having issues with a price adjustment, see our FAQs below.

Why did I receive a price adjustment notification?

This means your original order total has been changed.

If your order is still in progress, you can view the details and reasons for adjustments from the order tracking page in the app. If your order was delivered, you can view the price adjustment details on your order receipt.

Why did my order total increase?

The actual charge may vary due to in-store prices, item availability, item substitutions, and special instructions.

If item prices are different in store, we’ll use the actual item prices to update your final subtotal and tax.

Everything else—from Promotions, Delivery Fee, Service Fee, Small Basket Fee, Subscriptions and other Discounts, will be based on your original Estimated Total.

To view price adjustment details and reasons:

In the app, select “Orders” and then the order you want to view an adjustment for. Tap “View receipt.” Find the line, “Price adjustments”, to view the exact price changes to your order total.