Managing voucher programs

To create a new voucher program:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Select + New Campaign
  3. Select which type of voucher you want to create
  4. Enter the voucher name (what customers will see)
  5. Specify the start and end dates for the vouchers and select Continue
  6. Enter the voucher details (these will differ by voucher type) and select Continue
  7. If you want Uber to distribute the vouchers for you, enter the name and email or phone number of voucher recipients
  8. Choose the type of link and select Continue
  9. Review the voucher program and select Confirm and continue

For voucher programs with:

  • General links, you can copy the link, voucher code, or QR code directly from the dashboard
  • Unique links, you can download a CSV file containing the individual links or copy the link directly from the dashboard

Unless you upload recipient information, it is your responsibility to distribute vouchers to your guests.

Please ensure you follow Uber’s brand guidelines when sending these links, including proper usage of the Uber wordmark and logo.

To schedule voucher program distribution for a later date:

  1. After setting the voucher amount, recipients and restrictions, select Next on the bottom right of your screen
  2. Select the “Schedule” option and choose the date and time you want the voucher codes to be shared
  3. Select Finish and schedule

Scheduling is only available when you select the option to send directly to recipients.

You can choose the exact date and time for the voucher to be shared with the selected recipients.

To edit a voucher program:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Go to “All campaigns” and enter the campaign name in the search bar.
  3. Select the voucher program you want to cancel.
  4. Click the pencil icon on the section you’d like to change. You may be unable to edit some sections after a voucher is active.
  5. Update the voucher program details as needed and select Save changes. Your updates will appear in the details of the voucher program.

Once a voucher campaign is active, it cannot be edited to a more restrictive setting. You can make active voucher campaigns less restrictive, in most cases.

To cancel a voucher program:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Go to “All campaigns” and enter the campaign name in the search bar.
  3. Select the voucher program you want to cancel.
  4. Select Cancel event.
  5. Confirm you want to cancel and select Yes, cancel all vouchers. You can then view canceled voucher programs under “Canceled” on the left.

Your company is responsible for the total cost of any vouchers redeemed before the program is cancelled.

To cancel a voucher for a specific employee:

  1. Go to “All campaigns” and enter the campaign name in the search bar.
  2. Select the voucher program you want to edit.
  3. Select Tracking from the top left of the campaign page.
  4. Select the three dots to the right of the recipient name and select Remove recipient.

If the voucher is revoked after being claimed, the recipient will receive a voucher cancellation email.

Once an employee is removed from a campaign, they can’t be added back to it.