कैंसिलेशन नीति

As an independent contractor, you are able to choose whether to make yourself available to take a trip request sent to you by Uber, or to cancel an allocated booking.

However we strongly recommend you go offline when you are not available to undertake trips. Uber reserves the right to enforce a breach of your contractual agreements or restrict access to the platform if you are found to be in breach of the cancellation policy.

Without limitation, Uber considers the following cancellation behaviours to be in breach of the Services Agreement:

- refusing to complete a trip for a rider based on their intended destination
- refusing to complete a trip for your rider based on the fare multiple applied by Uber's Dynamic Pricing
- refusing to complete a trip for your rider for any reason that would be in breach of relevant discrimination laws and the conditions set out in your Private Hire Driver licence.

Examples of evidence of committing or intending to commit such behaviour include:

- contacting a rider by phone and asking for the rider's destination before having arrived at the pick-up location.
- once aware of the destination, cancelling the ride, explicitly asking the rider to cancel the ride or behaving in an obstructive way to the natural flow of a trip in order to encourage the rider to cancel the trip.
- systematic and/or persistent cancellation of trips.
- not accepting guide dogs or any other service animal caring for disabled people
- refusing to complete a trip due to a discriminatory reasons, such as your rider's disability, gender, race or sexuality (for example)