Redeeming vouchers FAQ

Viewing claimed vouchers

To view the status of the vouchers for each program:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Select the voucher program from the list on the left. The total vouchers claimed and redeemed will appear at the top of the program details.

If you’re a Program Administrator on your business account, you can find more specific details about each claimed voucher by downloading an activity report under Activity on the Uber for Business dashboard.

How customers receive and redeem vouchers

How customers receive and redeem vouchers depends on whether vouchers were distributed by Uber or by your organization.

If Uber distributed your vouchers, customers are notified that they received a voucher via text message, email and/or push notification in the Uber or Uber Eats app.

If you distributed your vouchers, your company is responsible for sending customers voucher links (via email campaigns, social media posts, etc.) to let them know about any voucher program you create. Customers can tap the links to see the value of the voucher and add it directly to their Uber or Uber Eats account by accepting the voucher.

Customers always have the option to tip drivers or delivery people, but your org can decide whether you want the voucher to cover tips.

For additional instructions on ride vouchers, send customers the Rider Experience guide. Please also make sure you follow Uber’s brand guidelines when distributing the voucher links.

Do customers need the app to use a voucher?

Customers must use the Uber app, Uber Eats app, or to redeem their vouchers.

If they don’t have an Uber account, they’ll be prompted to create one.

Što ako korisnik ima poteškoća pri pokušaju da iskoristi kupon?

Provjeri ispunjava li vožnja, odnosno hrana koju korisnik želi naručiti uvjete koji su na početku postavljeni za taj kupon. Ako se kupon i dalje ne može iskoristiti, možeš unijeti izmjene u programu kupona izravno putem stranice

Ako je korisnik iskoristio kupon, ali iznos kupona nije uzet u obzir prilikom izračune cijene vožnje ili narudžbe, korisnik se mora obratiti službi za podršku putem aplikacije Uber ili Uber Eats ili putem stranice