Prve dostave

Waiting for orders at the pickup location
Chevron right small
Delivery arrival steps
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I am having issues picking up the order
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Navigacija za dostavu biciklom
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Zahtjevi za dostavu hrane
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Accepting delivery requests
Chevron right small
Placing a delivery order with Uber Eats
Chevron right small
Food delivery: best times and tips
Chevron right small
Eligibility for alcohol delivery
Chevron right small
Mogu li upotrebljavati druge aplikacije ili primati privatne pozive dok sam na mreži?
Chevron right small
Treba li ti odmor?
Chevron right small
Alcohol Delivery with Uber Eats
Chevron right small
Dostava alkoholnih pića: Kako prepoznati da je osoba pod utjecajem alkohola
Chevron right small
Kako se naplaćuje otkazivanje dostave?
Chevron right small
Što ako odbijem zahtjev za dostavu?
Chevron right small
Česta pitanja u vezi sa sustavom Postmates
Chevron right small
Koji je rok za prihvaćanje zahtjeva za dostavu?
Chevron right small
Kako dostaviti narudžbu?
Chevron right small
Maximize Your Earnings with Trip Planning
Chevron right small
How do I transfer my Postmates account to Uber?
Chevron right small
Do I lose all my Postmates history when linking accounts?
Chevron right small
Why do I need an Uber account?
Chevron right small
Alcohol and Tobacco Delivery FAQs
Chevron right small
Kako mi se isplaćuje zarada za dostavu više narudžbi iz istog restorana?
Chevron right small
Što ako dođe do otkazivanja narudžbe koju dostavljam?
Chevron right small
Insulated Bag Form
Chevron right small
Anticipated Delivery Time Feature FAQs
Chevron right small