5 – Gyakran ismételt kérdések

Mennyire biztonságos az Uber alkalmazás?

A biztonságod fontos számunkra. Az Uber globális biztonsági csapata keményen dolgozik az incidensek megelőzésén. Ha többet szeretnél megtudni az alkalmazás biztonsági funkcióiról, valamint a biztosítékokról, például a GPS-követésről és a telefonszámok anonimizálásáról, kattints az alábbi linkre.

Can I share my account with friends?

Uber’s terms and conditions do not allow sharing of driver accounts. Another driver using your account poses a serious safety concern. If we learn that a driver did not match the driver profile displayed by a rider’s app, the account will be immediately suspended pending an investigation.

Accepting cash

In your city, Uber does not work with cash payments. When a trip ends, the fee is automatically charged in the rider’s preferred payment method on their app. For this reason, you should not ask the rider to pay you with cash.

Do I have to own a car?

If you’re interested in driving with the Uber app, but don’t own a car, you can get one from our partners, or from a fleet manager in some areas. Note that vehicle options may vary by city.

Find a car

Find a Fleet Partner with available vehicles.

Need more help?

Visit help.uber.com/driving-and-delivering