Nem tudom frissíteni a telefonszámomat vagy az e-mail-címemet

You can update your name, email, phone number, and profile picture in your app:

  1. Tap “Account” at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap “View Account”, then tap “Edit account” by your name at the top.
  3. Tap the detail you want to change and enter the updated information.
  4. You’ll be prompted to enter a verification code or current password to confirm your change.

Confirming account changes

We use verification codes to help ensure you’re the one making changes to your account. Here’s what to expect based on the details you change:

  • Phone number: You’ll receive a verification code via text message. Enter the code in your app to confirm the change.
  • Email (iOS only): We’ll email you a verification code to your new address. Enter the code in your app to confirm the change. We’ll also send a notification email to your old email address. If you don’t receive an email, check your spam or junk folders and the spelling of your email address before requesting another code. If you’re still not receiving the verification code, tap “I’m having trouble”.
  • Password: You’ll be prompted to enter your current password in the app. Passwords must be at least 5 characters long.
Automatikus üzenetet küldünk erre a címre, hogy megerősítsük, valóban rólad van szó. Nyisd meg, és válaszd az „E-mail-cím megerősítése” lehetőséget, hogy kapcsolatba léphess csapatunk egyik tagjával. Innen írsz: