Alcohol Re-entry Process

Users who are blocked from ordering alcohol can enter an age verification process in order to get unblocked. This will be a re-entry point for users who may be a false positive or have reached the legal drinking age. Users who reach out to support will need to provide the following information:

  • A close up of their photo ID with clearly legible text and photo
    • The photo ID must include their date of birth
  • A photo that clearly shows their face while also holding up the same photo ID

Acceptable forms of ID include:

  • Driver’s license
  • State ID card
  • Passport
Automatikus üzenetet küldünk erre a címre, hogy megerősítsük, valóban rólad van szó. Nyisd meg, és válaszd az „E-mail-cím megerősítése” lehetőséget, hogy kapcsolatba léphess csapatunk egyik tagjával. Innen írsz: