
Uber Program Administrators can:

  • Access your organization’s Uber for Business dashboard
  • Make changes to groups and programs
  • Add, remove or update people on your account
  • See details about all work trips taken
  • Add, remove, or update the billing method
  • Change the organization name and address
  • Set up automations or expense codes

Uber Health trip details are available to both adminstrators and coordinators in the Uber Health dashboard.

How to add a new admin to the business account:

  1. Sign in to business.uber.com.
  2. Select “People” on the left menu
  3. Click on ‘+Add’
  4. Complete the required fields - FirstName - LastName - Email address
  5. Toggle the button beside ‘Administrative access’
  6. Check the box beside ‘Admin’
  7. Add a mobile number (Adding a number is optional and recommended if the admin is also part of travel and meal programs)
  8. Click on Continue
  9. Select the group
  10. Click on ‘Send Invite’

To give admin access to an existing user:

  1. Sign in to business.uber.com.
  2. Select “People” on the left and find the person you want to give admin access.
    • To search for a user, enter their name or email in the search box above the list of people
  3. Check the box next to the person’s name.
  4. Click “Edit” at the top of the page
  5. Under “Role”, check the box beside the role “Admin”.
  6. Click “Save”.

The person you added will receive an email invitation to join the account. You can check employee activation status from the All dropdown on People.

To remove admin access:

  1. Sign in to business.uber.com.
  2. Select “People” on the left and find the person you no longer want to have admin access.
  3. Check the box next to the person’s name.
  4. Click “Edit” at the top of the page.
  5. Under “Role”, uncheck the box beside “Admin”.
  6. Click “Save”.

If you’re the only Uber Program Administrator on your account, you’ll need to designate another person to be an admin before removing yourself.

For Uber Health, Central and Vouchers organizations that don’t require phone numbers on coordinator accounts: Adding admins directly will prompt them to sign in to an existing Uber account or create a new account with both an email and phone number. To enable an admin without a phone number, add them as a coordinator first, then give them admin access as an existing user (see above).