
How are prices calculated?

Based on data from completed trips, we estimate prices by looking at factors like ride demand volume, traffic, and tolls. Specific business products may have higher prices if additional offerings are added to the product, such as priority pick up.

In most cities, you’ll see an upfront price when booking a ride. This is based on the estimated trip length, but can also include:

When you request a ride, you’ll be charged the upfront price when the trip ends. In rare situations, your final price might differ from the upfront price.

On Uber Health and Central, you’ll see upfront prices for scheduled and immediate rides and price estimates for flexible rides.

In some cities, upfront pricing isn’t available or is only available for real-time rides.



  • 空港、イベント会場、港湾、スタジアム、その他の施設へ向かう、もしくはそのような施設を出発する配車
  • ライドシェアサービスに課せられる政府手数料



  • ドライバーが受け取る
  • ドライバーが Uber または Uber の関連企業に支払う
  • 政府機関またはその他の第三者に全額または一部を支払った
