
We know it’s important to have your order delivered on time. Merchants and delivery people do their best to meet this expectation. External factors such as traffic and weather conditions, or a busy merchant can cause delays.

How delivery estimates work

When you place an order, you’ll receive 2 delivery estimates.

Estimated time of delivery

  • This is the earliest delivery time for your order
  • This estimate may adjust during your order due to external factors

Latest arrival by

  • This is the best estimated delivery time for your order based on similar orders
  • Orders that arrive before the “Latest arrival by” time are considered on time and ineligible for credits or refunds

How to check your order status

  1. You can check your order status in the app.
  2. Tap the “Orders” icon.
  3. Under “Active orders” tap “Track.”

Once a delivery person is assigned to your order, you can see their location on the map. You can call or message them by tapping the phone icon once they’ve picked up your order.

How to cancel your order

  1. Go to the app.
  2. Tap “Orders.”
  3. Tap “Help.”
  4. Tap “Ongoing order.”
  5. Tap “Cancel my order” and follow the prompts.