My phone number is already in use

If you are receiving an error message stating that your phone number is already in use, it’s possible that you’ve already registered for an Uber account.

We recommend that users have only one Uber account for both Rides and Uber Eats.

If you’ve never signed up for Uber or Uber Eats, please fill out the form below so that we may better assist you. This information is requested to ensure the security of your account.

  • If yes, please provide us with your Uber account information.

    This information is required to ensure the security of your account.

    ご本人であることを確認する自動メッセージがこちらに送信されます。該当のメールを開き、「メールアドレスを確認」を選択してください。チームメンバーにおつなぎします。 以下の場所からの書き込み