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Auto payouts are free automatic cashouts that send your earnings to your Uber Pro Card. This process happens automatically and doesn’t require any extra action.

Receiving auto payouts

After activating your card, auto payouts will turn on automatically. When you first activate your card, your earnings will automatically go to your Uber Pro Card. After activating, your earnings will be paid out each time you take and complete a trip.

Wrong payout amounts

You could see a different amount if you had a negative Wallet balance in the Driver app. This can happen with fares that are adjusted after an auto payout has been made. Your next auto payout will cover the negative balance and the rest will go to your Uber Pro Card balance.

Changing bank accounts

You can transfer your earnings from your Uber Pro Card checking account to another bank account using ACH. It transfers either for free or instantly for a fee.

Since the account is connected with your Uber Pro Card, you’ll need to change the bank account from your Uber Pro Card account.

Using auto payouts with garnishments

If you have a wage garnishment, you can use both auto payout and Backup Balance to pay off your outstanding garnishment amount. Your next deposit will automatically be used to pay back the amount of your Backup Balance.

If your wage garnishment takes up 100% of your earnings, your earnings will automatically use auto payout to pay back any outstanding amounts.

If your next deposit or disbursement doesn’t cover the full amount, it can still cover a portion of the balance.

The remainder will get deposited into your Uber Pro Card Backup Balance and your next deposit will automatically be used to pay back the outstanding amount—if the function is enabled. This includes direct deposits, inbound transfers, and payouts.

Turning auto payouts on or off

Auto payouts will automatically be on when you activate your card. You can turn your auto payouts off or back on again in the Driver app:

  1. Select Wallet from the main menu
  2. Choose Payment Methods
  3. Select Uber Pro Card

If you’re using backup balance, you won’t be able to change your auto payout settings until the amount is fully paid back. When auto payouts are paused, you won’t have access to backup balance until you turn it back on and meet the conditions mentioned above.