მომწვევი — ჩემი დაკარგული ან არასწორი მძღოლის მოწვევის შესახებ შეტყობინება

When a friend signs up using your referral link, you can track the status of your referral until the referral is either complete or expired.

However, if you don’t see your friend listed in the referral status page, it could be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Your friend may not have signed up using your referral link
  • Your friend might have been invited by a different friend already
  • The referral program may not be available in the city where your friend signed up or operates

If you’re unsure about the referral status, try resending your referral link. After that, if we find that your friend hasn’t yet activated their Uber Driver account and remains eligible, we’ll retroactively add the referral.

What should I do if my referral amount is incorrect?

The amount you receive for referrals is dependent on the city where your referred friend signs up. If you notice a discrepancy in the referral amount you’ve received compared to what you anticipated, it’s important to confirm that the referred driver registered in the correct city.

If you’re unsure or have any questions, please send a message to our Support team using the form below. We’ll be ready to assist you promptly.

Note that referral offers are subject to terms and conditions and offer terms may change. You can follow this link to see the full Terms & Conditions.