Delivery Heatmap: Finding busy areas

The delivery heatmap helps you find busy areas, called hotspots, by showing high-demand restaurants and stores. The heatmap refreshes every 10 minutes, so you can check regularly for the latest updates.

How do I find a hotspot?

You can find a hotspot by looking for the icons and colors on the heatmap. Warmer areas are where we expect greater demand.

What do icons and dots mean?

Icons help identify restaurants and stores with the highest demand in the neighborhood at certain times, labeled by name and business type (e.g. cafes, bars, grocery, and retail). Dots show various other businesses nearby. You can tap on any icon or dot to navigate there.

What are the different colors?

Colors show busyness levels: Red is the busiest, followed by orange and yellow. Gray dots mean a store is not busy at the moment. For example, a dinner-only restaurant may not be busy in the morning.

How long can I expect to wait if I’m at a hotspot?

Wait times vary based on factors like city, time, and the restaurant or store. However, being near a hotspot may lead to shorter wait times for delivery requests than if you are not near a hotspot.

Why don’t I see the delivery heatmap?

If you do both passenger trips and delivery, you can access the delivery heatmap by turning on deliveries and turning off rides in your Preferences. If you still have issues, please reach out to support through your app.